Ocean Vector Winds

Meet the Team

Since 2009, NASA has supported Ocean Vector Wind Science Teams (OVWST) who work closely with the International Ocean Vector Winds community. This global community includes the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and Indian Space Organization (ISRO), among others. US partners include the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NOAA/NESDIS) and Hurricane Research Division of the Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA/AOML/HRD).

The OVWST's goal is to continue the legacy of scientific excellence and to further expand the range of applications of ocean vector wind data across Earth science. They grow and strengthen the scientific community by welcoming new members while mentoring and training the next generation of satellite wind experts.

Leadership & Current Team Members

Mark Bourassa

Mark Bourassa

Team Lead

The Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL

Ernesto Rodriguez

Ernesto Rodriguez

Project Scientist

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA

Annette deCharon

Annette deCharon

Communication Lead

Edgecomb, ME

Nadya Vinogradova

Nadya Vinogradova

Program Scientist

NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC

Luc Deike

Luc Deike


Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

Kathleen Dohan

Kathleen Dohan


Earth and Space Research
Seattle, WA

Shineng Hu

Shineng Hu


Duke University
Durham, NC

Luc Lenain

Luc Lenain


University Of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA

Richard Lindsley

Richard Lindsley


Remote Sensing Systems Of California Corporation
Santa Rosa, CA

Lucrezia Ricciardulli

Lucrezia Ricciardulli


Remote Sensing Systems of California Corporation
Santa Rosa, CA

Roger Samelson

Roger Samelson


Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR

Toshiaki Shinoda

Toshiaki Shinoda


Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, TX

Bryan Stiles

Bryan Stiles


Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA

Justin Stopa

Justin Stopa


University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Honolulu, HI

Bia Villas Bôas

Bia Villas Bôas


Colorado School Of Mines
Golden, CO

Lisan Yu

Lisan Yu


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA

Past Team Members

Shannon Brown

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Production of a Validated Ocean Wind Vector Product from the Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer for the Research Community

Melanie Fewings

Oregon State University

Marine Heat Waves in Midlatitude Regions: Spatial Structure, Persistence, and the Role of the Wind Dipole Mode Off Eastern Ocean Boundaries

Alexander Fore

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ocean Vector Wind Products from SCATSAT: Climate Quality SCATSAT Products and Dual-Frequency All-Weather Products from SCATSAT and ASCAT

Ralph Foster

University Of Washington, Seattle

Determining the Momentum Entrainment and Improved Calculation of the Global Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Mean State Using Ocean Vector Winds

Sarah Gille

University Of California, San Diego

Diurnal and High-Frequency Wind Variability

Timothy Lang

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Using Satellite-Measured Ocean Vector Winds to Determine Cold Pool Characteristics and Their Relationships to Tropical Convective Variability

Tong Lee

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Improving the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Surface Wind Vector Analysis

David Long

Brigham Young University

Consistency in the Scatterometer Climate Record

Sidharth Misra

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Calibration and Validation of the Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer

Lucrezia Ricciardulli

Remote Sensing Systems of California Corporation

Improving and Extending the Ocean Vector Wind Climate Data Record

Roger Samelson

Oregon State University

Scatterometer Winds, Air-Sea Coupling, and Coastal Ocean Circulation

Bryan Stiles

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

A Consistent, Configurable Rain Flagging Scheme for Ku-Band and C-Band Ocean Vector Wind Scatterometers

Frank Wentz

Remote Sensing Systems Of California Corporation

Evaluation of COWVR as a Cost-Effective Sensor for Ocean Vector Winds and Other Air-Sea Variables

Shang-Ping Xie

University Of California, San Diego

Mesoscale Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling and Orographic Wind Effects on Ocean Variability

Past Team Members

Renato Castelao

University Of Georgia, Athens

The Role of Wind Forcing on Sea Surface Temperature Frontal Variability in Eastern Boundary Currents

Paul Chang

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NESDIS/ORA

Behavior and Trends of the Extratropical Transition Process and the Influence of External Environmental Factors

Dudley Chelton

Oregon State University

The Effects of Eddy-Induced Ekman Pumping on Mesoscale and Large-Scale Ocean Circulation

Shuyi Chen

University Of Miami, Key Biscayne

Improving High-Impact Tropical Weather Prediction Using Ocean Vector Wind Data and a High-Resolution Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model

Kathleen Dohan

Earth and Space Research

Development of OSCAR Wind Driven Ocean Currents in the New Constellation and Across Decades

J Farrar

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

High-Frequency Wind and Sea Surface Height Variability in the Tropics

Ralph Foster

University Of Washington, Seattle

Calculating Tropical Cyclone Inflow and Boundary Layer Processes from Ocean Vector Wind Remote Sensors

Sarah Gille

University Of California, San Diego

Assessing the Impact of Diurnal Wind Variability

Weiqing Han

University Of Colorado, Boulder

The Role of Ocean Dynamics in Determining Intraseasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and in the MJO Initiation Over the Indian Ocean

Timothy Lang

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Using Scatterometer-Measured Vector Winds to Study High-Impact Weather Events

Tong Lee

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Evaluation of Ocean Surface Wind Street and Derivative Fields Simulated by Climate Models Using Satellite Observations

David Long

Brigham Young University

Extending the Scatterometer Wind and Backscatter Climate Record

Roger Samelson

Oregon State University

Scatterometer Winds and Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling in Eastern Boundary Current Systems

Bryan Stiles

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Discovering a Decade of Coastal Winds from Ocean Wind Scatterometers

Francis Turk

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Using Daily Ocean Wind Vector and Speed Measurements to Estimate the Diurnal Cycle Modes

Douglas Vandemark

University of New Hampshire, Durham

A Multi-Sensor View of Satellite Ocean Wind Stress Estimation and Its Application to Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling

Frank Wentz

Remote Sensing Systems Of California Corporation

Improvements to the Vector Wind Climate Record Using RapidScat as a Common Reference and Aquarius/SMAP for High Winds in Rain

Shang-Ping Xie

University Of California, San Diego

Ocean-Atmospheric Variability from the Frontal to Basin Scale: A Study Using Satellite Vector Wind Observations

Lisan Yu

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

A Continuous Ocean Vector Wind Analysis Based on Scatterometers and Radiometers: Challenges, Limitations, and Benefits of Applications

Simon Yueh

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

L-Band High Resolution Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Winds

Past Team Members

James Carton

University of Maryland

Exploring Interannual and Longer Variability of Observed Ocean Winds by Merging ERS1/2 and QUIKSCAT Data

Paul Chang


Decadal Trends of Hurricane-Force Extratropical Cyclones and the Resulting Impact on Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing

Dudley Chelton

Oregon State University

Mesoscale Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction from Scatterometry and Coupled Models

Kathleen Dohan

Earth and Space Research

Satellite-Derived Global Wind-Driven Ocean Surface Currents: Incorporating Local and Fast-Timescale Dynamics into the Wind-Driven Component of the Ocean Surface Current Analyses Real-Time Product (OSCAR)

Theodore Durland

Oregon State University

Covariability of Wind and Sea Surface Height in the Tropical Pacific

Melanie Fewings

University of California

Satellite and Land-Based Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Wind Relaxations and the Oceanic Response in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem

Tracy Haack

Naval Research Laboratory

Seasonal Variability of the Mesoscale Coupling of Wind Stress and Sea Surface Temperature over Mid-Latitudes

W. Linwood Jones

University of Central Florida

Improved Active/Passive Ocean Vector Wind Retrievals

Tong Lee

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Regional Contribution of Wind Forcing to Indonesian Throughflow Transport Variability and the Underlying Mechanisms

W. Timothy Liu

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Unique Capability of Measuring Ocean Surface Stress

David Long

Brigham Young University

Winds, Backscatter, and Brightness Temperature Climate Records

Dimitris Menemenlis

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Improved Estimates of Wind Work on Ocean Circulation Using QuikSCAT Data and a Numerical Model

Ralph Milliff

NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated

Ocean Surface Vector Winds in Multi-Platform Bayesian Hierarchical Model Applications

Jerome Patoux

University of Washington

Using Ocean Vector Wind Data to Study Boundary Layer Response to Air-Sea Interaction

Bryan Stiles

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Multiple Scatterometer Hurricane Winds

Paul Strub

Oregon State University

Enhanced Coastal Wind Analysis in Upwelling Regions

Douglas Vandemark

University System of New Hampshire

Determining Geophysical Impacts on Scatterometer Wind Stress Accuracy

Frank Wentz

Remote Sensing Systems

Improved Vector Wind and Stress Retrievals for Climate Applications and Understanding the Capabilities and Synergisms of the DFS and AMSR-3

Shang-Ping Xie

University of Hawaii

Interannual Variability of Ocean Vector Winds Near Ocean Fronts and Coastal Orography

Lisan Yu

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Understanding the Trend and Variability in Global Ocean Vector Winds through a Synergy of Wind Retrievals from Scatterometers and Microwave Radiometers

Past Team Members

Robert Atlas


Application of Satellite Surface Wind Data to Ocean Surface Analysis and Numerical Weather Prediction

Fabrice Bonjean

Earth & Space Research

The Ocean Surface Wind-Driven Currents

Mark Bourassa

The Florida State University

Atmospheric and Oceanic Variability

James Carton

University of Maryland

Intramonthly Winds: Tropical Oceanic Impacts and Importance for Coupled Air- Sea Interaction

Michael Caruso

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Validation of Satellite-Derived Surface Wind Fields

Dudley Chelton

Oregon State University

Midlatitude Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction

Ralph Foster

University of Washington

Boundary Layer Studies Connecting Satellite Surface Winds and Pressure Fields to Storms, Weather, and Climate

Stephen Frasier

University of Massachusetts

Airborne Study of High Winds and Rain Effects on Sea Surface NRCS Using the Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler

Michael Freilich

Oregon State University

Coastal and Orographic Wind Analyses from High Resolution QuikSCAT and SeaWinds

Rong Fu

Georgia Institute of Technology

Water Cycle between Ocean and Land and Its Influence on Climate Variability over the South American-Atlantic Regions as Determined by QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Observations

Weiqing Han

The University of Colorado

Impact of Atmospheric Synoptic-to-Intraseasonal Oscillations on Indian Ocean Multi-scale SST Variability

W. Linwood Jones

University of Central Florida

Improved Ocean Vector Wind Retrievals in Extreme Wind Events

Kathryn Kelly

University of Washington

The Impact of Ocean Current Systems on the Atmosphere: A Study Using Vector Winds and Atmosphere-Ocean Modeling

Tong Lee

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Mechanism of Interannual Variability of Cross-Equatorial Heat Transport of the Indian Ocean

W. Timothy Liu

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Oceanic Feedback and Acceleration of Climate Variability

David Long

Brigham Young University

Application and Validation of Ultra High Resolution Wind, Backscatter, and Brightness Temperature

Ralph Milliff

NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated

Novel Applications of Satellite Surface Vector Winds in Models and Syntheses of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions

Claire Perigaud

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Use of QuikSCAT Data to Find Out the Role of the Indian Ocean in the Tropical Atmosphere

Frank Wentz

Remote Sensing Systems

Improved Wind Retrievals with Rain Detection and Error Bars and the Assessment of New Operational Satellite Wind Retrievals

Shang-Ping Xie

University of Hawaii

Orographically Induced Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction: Satellite Observations and Numerical Modeling

Lisan Yu

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

A Study of Long-Term Trend and Variability in Global Ocean Surface Wind by Synthesizing Scatterometers with SSM/I and COADS Observations

Simon Yueh

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Combined Active and Passive Remote Sensing of Hurricane Ocean Winds