Ocean Vector Winds

Meetings: 2017 IOVWST


Documents: 97

Programatic Talks

Gille, S.
Bourassa, M.
Lindstrom, E.

Current and Future Ocean Vector Wind Mission Updates

Chang, P. and Sharma, R.
Ruf, C., Gleason, S., Said, F., Soisuvarn, G., Jelenak, Z., Chang, P., McKague, D., and Balasubramaniam, R.
Said, F., Soisuvarn, S., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.S.
SCATSAT Data Quality and Initial Results
Fore, A., Stiles, B., and Rodriguez, E.
Ebuchi, N.
Wineteer, A., Stiles, B., and Rodriguez, E.
Dong , X. and Shi, J.
Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer/ORS-6 Mission: A New Small Satellite Mission for Ocean Winds
Brown, S., Focardi, P., Kitiyakara, A., Maiwald, F., Montes, O., Padmanabhan, S., Redick, R., Russell, D., and Wincentsen, J.
Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., and de Kloe, J.
Chelton, D., Samelson, R., Farrar, T., Molemaker, J., and McWIlliams, J.

Gridded Products

Hristova-Veleva, S., Rodriguez, E., Stiles, B., Turk, F.J., and Haddad, Z.
Mears, C., Ricciardulli,L., Scott, J., Hoffman, R., Leidner, S.M., Atlas, B., and Wentz, F.
Factors influencing the skill of synthesized satellite wind products in the tropical Pacific
Lee, T., McGregor, S., Sen Gupta, A., Dommenget, D., McPhaden, M., and Kessler, B.
Bourassa, M. and VanGorder, S.
Kutsuwada, K., Tomita, H., Kako, S., Hihara, T., Kubota, M., and Takahashi, Y.

Climate Data Record Development and Analysis

Belmonte Rivas, M., Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., Verspeek, J., and Vogelzang, J.
Stoffelen, A., Wang, Z., and Vogelzang, J.
Ricciardulli, L. and Wentz, F.

New Products and Applications

Moroni, D.
Bourassa, M., Cotton, J., Reul, N., Collard, F., and Donlan, C.
Jelenak, Z.
Klotz, B., Holbach, H., and Garcia, A.
Validation of SMAP radiometer extreme wind speed data product with rapid scatterometer and stepped frequency microwave radiometer
Fore, A., Yueh, S., Tang, W., Stiles, B., and Hayashi, A.
Meissner, T., Ricciardulli, L., and Wentz, F.
Mouche, A., Zhang, B., Chapron, B., and Husson, R.
Lin, W. and Portabella, M.
Grodsky, S., Yurovsky, Y.Y., Kudryavtsev, V.N., Grodsky, S.A., and Chapron, B.
Rodriguez, E., Perkovic, D., Stiles, B., Gal, T., Niamsuwan, N., and Wineteer, A.
Stoffelen, A. and Vogelzang, J.
Stiles, B., Fore, A.G., Wineteer, A., and Dunbar, R.S.
Long, D.

Report from the Coastal Working Group and Discussion

Summary of progress and issues
Fewings, M.

Oceanographic Applications

Han, W., Li, Y., Wang, W., Ravichandran, M., Lee, T., and Shinoda, T.
Fewings, M., Gotschalk, C., and Brown, K.S.
Towards improved estimates of upper ocean energetics: Science motivation for the simultaneous measurement of ocean surface vector winds and currents
Menemenlis, D., Flexas, M.M., Klein, P., Thompson, A.F., Torres, H.S., and Wang, J.
Verspeek, J., Stoffelen, A., Vogelzang, J., and Ricciardulli, L.
Morey, S.

Report from the Stress Group and Discussion

Vandemark, D. and Edson, J.

Meteorological Applications

Paget, A. and Edson, J.B.
Foster, R., Zhang, J., and Black, P.
Hoffman, R., Leidner, S.M., Atlas, R., and Annane, B.
Atlas, R., Annane, B., McNoldy, B.D., Leidner, D.M., Hoffman, R.N., and Majumdar, S.J.
Portabella, M., Lin, W., Stoffelen, A., and De Chiara, G.
De Chiara, G., Lin, W., Portabella, M., and Stoffelen, A.
Liu, W.T. and Xie, X.
Gille, S., Northcott, D., and Giglio, D.
Kilpatrick, T., Xie, S.-P., and Nasuno, T.
Rabaneda, A. and Stickland, M.
Chen, S.S. and Kerns, B.

Atmosphere and Ocean Coupling

Farrar, T., O'Neill, L., Seo, H., and Durland, T.
Garg, P., Nesbitt, S.W., Lang, T.J., Chronis, T., Thayer, J.D., and Hence, D.A.
Schneider, N.
Lin, W. and Portabella, M.
Lang, T., Xu, W., and Rutledge, S.
Giglio, D., Gille, S.T., Subramanian, A.C., Nugyen, S., and Northcott, D.
Consistency of QuikSCAT and ASCAT wind measurements in depicting the variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone
Lee, T. and Kidwell, A.
Polverari, F., Hristova-Veleva, S.M., Turk, F.J., Pierdicca, N., Pulvirenti, L., and Marzano, F.S.
Xu, X., Dong, X., Li, Y., Lin, W., and Zhu, D.
CYGNSS Sampling of Low-latitude Extratropical Cyclones and Surface Heat Flux Estimates
Crespo, J., Posselt, D., Naud, C., and Bussy-Virat, C.

Concluding Discusson and Conclusions

Bourassa, M., Chang, P., Ebuchi, N., Rodriguez, E., Kumar Sharma, R., Shimoda, H., Song, Q., and Stoffelen, A.

Posters - Meteorological Applications

Turk, J. and Hristova-Veleva, S.
Oceanic convective systems: ASCAT and NEXRAD retrieval analysis
Lang, T., Priftis, G., Chronis, T., and Nesbitt, S.
The impact of RapidScat ocean vector winds assimilation in JMA’s global NWP system
Moriya, M.
Turbulent kinetic energy of the ocean winds over the Kuroshio Extension from QuikSCAT winds (1999-2009) (New Talk)
King, G., Yu, K., and Dong, C.
Distinctive features of ocean surface winds over Indian Ocean between strong and weak Indian summer monsoons
Zheng, Y., Bourassa, M.A., and Ali, M.M.
Preliminary evaluation of ScatSat winds
Ricciardulli, L., Lindsley, R., and Wentz, F.

Posters - Gridded Products

Temporal scales characterization of Southern Ocean's CCMP vector winds
Carranza, M. and Gille, S.T.

Posters - Atmosphere and Ocean Coupling

Scatterometer Observations of the Northern Red Sea Mountain-gap Wind Jets
Menezes, V., Farrar, T., and Bower, A.
Use of active and passive microwave ocean datasets to infer air-sea interfacial processes using new Southern Ocean buoy data
Vandemark, D., Emond, M., and Chapron, B.
Towards improved estimates of upper ocean energetics: Science motivation for the simultaneous measurement of ocean surface vector winds and currents
Torres, H., Flexas, M.M., Klein, P., Menemenlis, D., Thompson, A.F., and Wang, J.
Coupling ocean currents and wind stress in a two-way fashion
Shi, Q. and Bourassa, M.

Posters - Climate Data Record Development and Analysis

The Calibrated Enhanced-Resolution Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Earth System Data Record
Long, D. and Brodzik, M.J.
A Consolidated Database of Antarctic Iceberg Positions, Sizes, and Rotation Angles
Long, D. and Budge, J.
Determining the decadal trend patterns in ocean-surface winds (1987-2016)
Yu, L.
Analysis of RapidScat Mid-Swath Directional Discontinuity
Stiles, B., Fore, A.G., Wineteer, A., Ricciardulli, L., Wentz, F., and Rodriguez, E.
RapidScat Recalibration and Reprocessing Status
Fore, A., Stiles, B., Wineteer, A., and Rodriguez, E.
Ocean state diagnostics from scatterometers
Stoffelen, A., Trindade, A., de Kloe, J., and Portabella, M.
QuikSCAT decadal climatology in the context of multi-decadal variability and change
Xie, S.-P.
Studies of the Effects of Rain on the Performance of the SMAP Radiometer Surface Salinity Estimates and Applications to Remote Sensing of River Plumes
Weissman, D.E. and Morey, S.L.

Posters - New Products and Applications

RapidScat Radiometer Collocations – A New RapidScat Dataset
Wineteer, A., Ricciardulli, L., Stiles , B., and Fore, A.
Update to “Diurnal variations of σ0 over land from RapidScat Observations”: Monitoring vegetation dynamics in the Amazon
Paget, A., van Emmerik, T., Steele-Dunne, S., and van de Giesen, N.
Daily Scatterometer datasets in a Near Uniform Format
Bourassa, M., Elya, J., Kemmer, A., Smith, S.R., McCall, W., and Uzcategui, A.V.
Estimating the Pointing Precision, Antenna Pattern, and Spatial Response Function of RapidScat Using Island Targets
Long, D. and Bury, S.
Comparisons of wind speed retrievals from an airborne microwave radiometer (AMPR) with satellite-based observations during the OLYMPEX/RADEX field campaign
Lang, T. and Biswas, S.
Preliminary Scatterometer Wind Retrievals From the SCATSAT-1 Mission
Soisuvarn, S., Said, F., Jelenak, Z., Zhu, Q., and Chang, P.S.
Stepped frequency microwave radiometer retrieval error characterization
Sapp, J., Alsweiss, S., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.S.
A Platform to Provide International and Inter-Agency Support for Data and Information Quality Solutions and Best Practices
Moroni, D., Ramapriyan, H., and Peng, G.

Posters - Coastal Working Group

Stiles, B., Fore, A.G., Strub, P.T., and James, C.
Coastal QuikSCAT Winds over Eastern Boundary Currents
Strub, T., James, C., Stiles, B., and Fore, A.
Drivers of SST frontal variability in the California Current System
Castelao, R. and Luo, H.
Surface Wind Stress and Wave Sensitivity to Sea Spray in Tropical Cyclones
Richardson, R., Bourassa, M.A., and Morey, S.L.

Posters - Oceanographic Applications

Scale and Inertial Wave OSCAR Currents
Dohan, K.
Intermittent Wind Forcing of the North Pacific Subpolar Gyre Circulation
O'Neill, L.
NOAA Ocean Winds Science Team NRT Satellite Ocean Winds Processing System Overview
Zhu, Q., Romer, M., Soisuvarn, S., Said, F., Sapp, J., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.S.