Documents: 76
Programmatic Talks
Portabella, M. [24-Apr-18].
Bourassa, M. [24-Apr-18].
Shimoda, H. [24-Apr-18].
Chang, P., Sharma, R., and Linow, S. [24-Apr-18].
Update on NASA and Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Programs
Vinogradova-Shiffer, N. and Lindstrom, E. (Invited talk) [24-Apr-18].
Linow, S. [24-Apr-18].
Ocean Applications
Fewings, M. and Brown, K.S. [24-Apr-18].
Rodriguez, E., Wineteer, A., and Perkovic-Martin, D. [24-Apr-18].
Dukhovskoy, D. and Bourassa, M. [24-Apr-18].
Kilpatrick, T., Xie, S.-P., and Schneider, N. [24-Apr-18].
Gille, S., Carranza, M.M., Franks, P.J.S., Johnson, K.S., Pinkel, R., and Girton, J.B. [24-Apr-18].
Rain-Related Topics
Sensitivity of the Time-Mean Mid-Latitude Surface Circulation to Strong Storms
O'Neill, L. and Milliff, R. [24-Apr-18].
A model-base assessment of the impacts of sampling differences on satellite-buoy wind consistency in convective regions
Lee, T. [24-Apr-18].
Holbach, H., Klotz, B.W., and Bourassa, M.A. [24-Apr-18].
Stiles, B., Fore, A., Ricciardulli, L., Wineteer, A.G., Hristova-Veleva, S., Rodriguez, E., Wentz, F., and Long, D. [24-Apr-18].
Lang, T., Garg, P., Priftis, G., Nesbitt, S., Chronis, T., and Lindsley, R. [24-Apr-18].
Turk, J. and Hristova-Veleva, S. [24-Apr-18].
King, G., Portabella, M., Lin, W., and Stoffelen, A. [24-Apr-18].
Report from the Coastal Working Group and Discussion
Summary of progress and issues (invited talk)
Fewings, M. [24-Apr-18].
Stiles, B., Fore, A., Ricciardulli, L., Wineteer, A.G., Hristova-Veleva, S., Rodriguez, E., Wentz, F., and Long, D. [24-Apr-18].
ASCAT-Related Products and Updates
Cone Metrics for ASCAT
Verhoef, A., Verspeek, J., Belmonte Rivas, M., and Stoffelen, A. [24-Apr-18].
Characterizing the differences between ASCAT and ECMWF reanalysis winds (ERAint, ERA5)
Belmonte Rivas, M., and Stoffelen, A. [24-Apr-18].
High Wind Speed and Surface Stress (Part 1)
Vandemark, D., Edson, J., and Emond, M. [25-Apr-18].
Schneider, N. [25-Apr-18].
Fore, A., Yueh, S., Tang, W., Stiles, B., and Hayashi, A. [25-Apr-18].
Meissner, T., Ricciardulli, L., Wentz, F., Manaster, A., and Sampson, C. [25-Apr-24].
Ricciardulli, L., Manaster, A., and Meissner, T. [25-Apr-18].
High Wind Speed and Surface Stress (Part 2)
Jelenak, Z., Soisuvarn, S., Sapp, J., Said, F., Zhu, Q., and Chang, P.S. [25-Apr-18].
Stoffelen, A., Mouche, A., Portabella, M., Lin, W., Polverari, F., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Chang, P., Jenenak, Z., Sapp,J., Bidlot, J.-R., and Bourassa, M. [25-Apr-18].
Polverari, F., Lin, W., Sapp, J., Portabella, M., Stoffelen, A., Mouche, A., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Verhoef, A., De Kloe, J., Chang, P., Jelenak, Z., Bidlot, J.-R., and Bourassa, M. [25-Apr-18].
Atmosphere and Ocean Coupling
Time and length scales of upper ocean response to winds
Dohan, K. [25-Apr-18].
Chen, S., Curcic, M., Barr, B., and Kerns, B. [25-Apr-18].
Bourassa, M. and Shi, Q. [25-Apr-18].
Doppler Scatterometry Products and Updates
Measuring Ocean Vector Winds with a Ka-Band Pencil Beam Doppler Scatterometer
Wineteer, A., Rodriguez, E., Perkovic-Martin, D., and Stiles, B. [25-Apr-18].
Bourassa, M., Rodrigues, E., and Gille, S. [25-Apr-18].
EPS-SG SCA Doppler capability
Stoffelen, A. and Hoogeboom, P. [25-Apr-18].
CFOSAT and FengYun-3E Products and Updates
System Characteristics Design of WindRadar on FengYun-3E Meteorological Satellite
Yin, H. [25-Apr-18].
Simulation of Wind Performance in Tropical Cyclone for China's Future Dual-frequency Scatterometer WindRAD
Dou, F., Yin, H., and Shang, J. [25-Apr-18].
Lin, W., Dong, X., Portabella, M., Xu, X.-o., Zhu, D., Wang, Z., and He, Y. [25-Apr-18].
Wind Field Retrieving for Scat Onboard CFOSAT Based On PCA Method
Xu, X. and Dong, X. [25-Apr-18].
CFOSAT Level 1B simulator and wind processor retrieval result comparison with WindRad
Li, Z. and Stoffelen, A. [25-Apr-18].
Meteorological Applications
Monteiro, I. and Vogelzang, J. [26-Apr-18].
Mesoscale wind data assimilation
Stoffelen, A., Marseille, G.-J., and Vogelzang, J. [26-Apr-18].
Giglio, D., Cornuelle, B.D., Northcott, D.M., and Gille, S.T. [26-Apr-18].
Zecchetto, S. and De Biasio, F. [26-Apr-18].
Galperin, B. [26-Apr-18].
Climate Data Record Development and Analysis
Report from Climate and Applications working (Invited talk)
Wentz, F. and Stoffelen, A. [26-Apr-18].
Intercalibration of the C-band scatterometer record using cone metrics
Belmonte Rivas, M., Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., Verspeek, J., and Vogelzang, J. [26-Apr-18].
Stoffelen, A., Wang, Z., and Vogelzang, J. [26-Apr-18].
SST impact on RapidScat and QuikSCAT measurements
Ricciardulli, L. and Wentz, F. [26-Apr-18].
ScatSAT-1 Products and Updates
Wang, Z., Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., Yijun, H.E., Zhang, B., Lin,W., and Portabella, M. [26-Apr-18].
Verhoef, A., Verspeek, J., and Stoffelen, A. [26-Apr-18].
Fore, A., Stiles, B., Jaruwatanadilok, S., and Rodriguez, E. [26-Apr-18].
Global Navigation Satellite System Products and Updates
Grieco, G., Stoffelen, A., Portabella, M., Belmonte Rivas, M., and Lin, W. [26-Apr-18].
Ricciardulli, L., Meissner, T., and Wentz, F. [26-Apr-18].
Jelenak, Z., Said, F., Soisuvarn, S., and Chang, P.S. [26-Apr-18].
COWVR and Other Products and Updates
Wentz, F., Ricciardulli, L., Meissner, T., and Mears, C. [26-Apr-18].
Portabella, M., Corcione, V., Grieco, G., Nunziata, F., and Migliaccio, M. [26-Apr-18].
Moroni, D. [26-Apr-18].
Determination and use of the wind field from SAR in coastal areas
Zecchetto, S. Offshore transport of coastal water in the California Current System due to winds and mesoscale eddies
Amos, C. and Castelao, R.M. Validation of AMSR-2 Oceanic Environmental Data Records Using Tropical Cyclone Composite Fields
Sapp, J., Alsweiss, S., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P. Creating an extended and consistent ESDR of the ocean surface winds, stress and their dynamically-significant derivatives for the period 1999-2022: A MEaSUREs proposal
Hristova-Veleva, S., Bourassa, M., Fore, A., Kilpatrick, T., Moroni, D., O'Neill, L., Rodriguez, E., Stiles, B., Turk, F., Vandemark, D., and Xie, S.-P. Preliminary study of ScatSat-1 OVW assimilation in JMA’s global NWP system
Moriya, M. Comparison of Cross-Polarized C-band Airborne Scatterometer and Spaceborne SAR Measurements of the Sea Surface in High Winds
Sapp, J., Mouche, A., Jelenak, Z., Chang, P., and Frasier, S. Quantifying the Effect of Rain-Induced Sub-Footprint Scale Variability on the RapidScat Ku-band NRCS
Weissman, D. ASCAT UHR Processing Enhancements
Long, D., Brown, J., and Garrett, H. A Web-Based Toolkit for Satellite-Derived Coastal Upwelling Analyses
Morey, S. Improvements in the climate data record of QuikSCAT and RapidScat as seen in the latest reprocessing
Hristova-Veleva, S., Stiles, B., Ricciardulli, L., Fore, A., Wineteer, A., and Rodriguez, E. Detailed investigation of the role of buoy wind errors in buoy- scatterometer disagreement
Schlundt, M., Farrar, J.T., Edson, J.B., Bigorre, S., Vandemark, D., and Emond, M. Mears, C., Ricciardulli, L., and Wentz, F. Investigating the Effects of Sea Spray on Surface Wind Stress and Waves under Hurricane Conditions
Richardson, R. and Bourassa, M. Stiles, B.W. and Fore, A.G. The Role of Oceanic Processes in the Initiation of Indian Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations over the Indian Ocean
West, J., Han, W., and Li, Y. Detailed investigation of the role of buoy wind errors in buoy-scatterometer disagreement
Schlundt, M., Farrar, J.T., Edson, J.B., Bigorre, S., Vandemark, D., and Emond, M. Observational Analysis of Extratropical Cyclone Interactions with Northeast Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Phillips, B. and O'Neill, L.