Ocean Vector Winds

Meetings: 2021 IOVWST


Documents: 76

How can we make improvements to the constellation and what can we do with it?

Statement from the session Chairs
Linow, S. and Kumar, R.
Importance of high quality coastal wind measurements
Kumar, R., Chang, P., Linow, S., and Stoffelen, A.
Stoffelen, A., Chang, P., Kumar, R., Linow, S., Bordes, R., and Wanzong, S.
The Future of Satellite Microwave Radiometers for Measuring Ocean Winds
Wentz, F., Meissner, T., and Ricciardulli, L.
Challenges and Solutions to Increasing Quantity and Diurnal Coverage of Scatterometer Ocean Vector Wind Measurements
Walton, P., Long, D., and Lang, T.

User guidance on the different climate records; where do OVW products agree, disagree, and how to make this visible?

Statement from the session Chairs
Stoffelen, A., and Wentz, F.
Ricciardulli, L., and Wentz, F.
Hurricane Ocean Wind Speeds (Invited talk)
Stoffelen, A., Marseille, G.-J., Ni, W., Mouche, A., Polverari, F., Portabella, M., Lin, W., Sapp, J., Chang, P., and Jelenak, Z.

Air-Sea Fluxes and their impacts on the Ocean and Atmosphere

Statement from the session Chairs
Bourassa, M.
Farrar, T.
Gille, S., Cronin, M., Gentemann, C., Clayson, C.A., Bourassa, M., Brown, S., Farrar, T., Lee, T., Lombardo, K., Parfitt, R., Seo, H., Subramanian, A., and Zlotnicki, V.
Simultaneous Measurements of Winds and Currents: a status report (invited talk)
Rodríguez, E., & the WaCM team, and Ardhuin, F., & the STREAM team')
Gentemann, C., Clayson, C.A., Lee, T., Brown, S., Subramanian, A., Bourassa, M., Lombardo, K., Parfitt, R., Seo, H., Gille, S., Farrar, T., Whitaker, J., Kleist, D., Browne, P., Harris, C., Tomita, H., and Bentamy, A.
Distributed system solutions for NASA air-sea coupling (invited talk)
Vinogradova Shiffer, N.

Atmosphere and Ocean Coupling

Simultaneous Measurements of Winds and Currents: a status report (invited talk)
Rodríguez, E. & the WaCM team and Ardhuin, F. & the STREAM team
Effects of spatial resolution and temporal offset of air-sea boundary-layer variables on turbulent heat flux estimates
Lee, T., Gentemann, C., Clayson, C.A., Bourassa, M., Brown, S., Farrar, J.T., Lombardo, K., Gille, S., Parfitt, R., Seo, H., Subramanian, A., and Zlotnicki, V.
Hayden, E., Fewings, M.R., and O'Neill, L.W.
Kutsuwada, K., Tomita, H., Kako, S., Hihara, T., and Kubota, M.
Anchoring of the Gulf Stream Convergence Zones by the storm track and sea surface temperatures
Schneider, N., Masunaga, R., Cornuelle, B., O’Neill, L., Kilpatrick, T., Nonaka, M., Small, J., and Xie, S.-P.
Wu, W., Villas Bôas, A.B., and Gille, S.
Colosi, L., Villas Bôas, A.B., and Gille, S.
Development of offshore surface roughness length parameterization over deep seas
Rabaneda, A.

Current and Future Ocean Vector Wind Mission Updates

Ebuchi, N., Kachi, M., Kasahara, M., Fujii, H., Shimada, R., Ohara, K., Maeda, T., Inaoka, K., and Kojima, Y.
Linow, S., and Anderson, C.
Anderson, C., Wilson, J.J.W., Linow, S., and Ticconi, F.
Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer on ISS Mission Status
Brown, S., Misra, S., Kitiyakara, A., and Morris, M.
Veery, a Small Scatterometer Intended for a Constellation
Walton, P., Long, D., and Lang, T.
Time-varying empirical probability densities of Southern Ocean surface winds: Leading modes linked to SAM, the annual cycle, and product differences
Hell, M., Cornuelle, B.D., Gille, S.T., Lutsko, N.J.
Freeman, N., Giglio, D., Gille, S., and Hell, M.

Waves, Currents and Ice

Tracking Iceberg A68 on a Collision Course with South Georgia Island
Long, D., Bindlish, R., De Amici, G., Piepmeier, J.R., and Bailey, M.

New Products and Applications

A New Dataset of Tropical Cyclone Winds from Microwave Radiometers
Manaster, A., Meissner, T., and Ricciardulli, L.
Vogelzang, J., and Stoffelen, A.
Said, F., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.S.
Status on the wind processing of CFOSAT scatterometer
Lin, W., Dong, X., Portabella, M., Lang, S., and Liu, J.
Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., Verspeek, J., and Verhoef, A.
Zecchetto, S., and Zanchetta, A.
On Improved UHR Ambiguity Selection Algorithms
Long, D., and Schachterle, G.
Zanchetta, A. and Zecchetto, S.
Verhoef, A.,Stoffelen, A., Giesen, R., Zou, J., Wang, Z., Elliott, S., and Long, D.
Discrete Band-Limited Signal Reconstruction from Irregular Samples
Long, D.
Koyamatsu, S.
Moroni, D.
Estimating Sea Surface Vorticity from the RapidScat Scatterometer Ku-Band NRCS by Using Coincident Sub-Footprint Scale Winds and Dual Polarization Analysis
Weissman, D.E.

Meteorological Applications

Evaluating the Detection of Mesoscale Outflow Boundaries using Scatterometer Winds at Different Spatial Resolutions
Priftis, G., Lang, T.J., Piyush, G., Lindsley, R., Nesbitt, S.W., and Chronis, T.
Chawang, N. and Kutty, G.
Regional effects of scatterometer sampling and weather in ERA* performance through Monte-Carlo simulations
Trindade, A., Portabella, M., and Stoffelen, A.
Monte-Carlo simulations Impact of INSAT-3D AMVs in WRF-HYBRID (ENSEMBLE-3DVAR) data assimilation system for the simulation of monsoon over the month of July 2016
Gogoi, R.B., Kutty, G., and Borgohain, A.
Scatterometer Winds in the Lee of the Hawaiian Islands
Long, D., Hutchings, N., and Kilpatrick, T.
Garg, P., Nesbitt, S.W., Lang, T.J., and Priftis, G.
Utilization of SCATSAT-1 scatterometer observations for Vegetation and soil moisture studies
Mishra, M.K. and Raju, C.S.
Cossu, F., Portabella, M., Lin, W., Stoffelen, A., Marseille, G.-J., Vogelzang, J., and Monteiro, I.
Stoffelen, A., Marseille, G.-J., Ni, W., Mouche, A., Polverari, F., Portabella, M., Lin, W., Sapp, J., Chang, P., and Jelenak, Z.
Lang, T.
Warning for Oceanic Extra-tropical Storms of Hurricane Force Strength – a Twenty Year Perspective
Sienkiewicz, J.
A Newly Developed Form Drag Derived from Sea Spray Influenced Surface Wind Stress at Hurricane Force Winds
Richardson, R., Bourassa, M.A., and Morey, S.L.
Wallace, D., Bourassa, M., and Holbach, H.
Stow, J.P., Bourassa, M.A., and Holbach, H.M.
Holbach, H.
UMass Simultaneous Frequency Microwave Radiometer (USFMR) instrument description, current and future work
Sanchez, J.V., Sapp, J.W., Jelenak, Z., Chang, P.S., and Frasier, S.J.
Steps Toward Incorporating Nonlinear Mean Flow Model in Tropical Cyclone Surface Pressure Retrieval
Foster, R.

Oceanographic Applications

Rain and SST correction to the Scatsat-1 derived winds
Chakraborty, A., Varma, A.K. and Kumar, R.
Modeling and Analysis of the Ka-band Ocean Surface Radar Cross Section Using the Doppler Scatterometer Measurements from the Air Sea Interaction Tower Experiment
Polverari, F., Wineteer, A., Rodriguez, E., Perkovic-Martin, D., Siqueira, P., Farrar, J.T., and Adam, J.M., and Edson, J.
Vogelzang, J., and Stoffelen, A.
Xu, X., Stoffelen, A., Portabella, M., Lin, W., and Dong, X.

Coastal Working Group Contributions

Grieco, G., Portabella, M., Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., and Vogelzang, J.
Cooley, K., Fewings, M.R., and Lerczak, J.
Fewings, I., Brown K.S., and Moffat, C.
Larson, G., Moffat, C., Fewings, M.R., and Brown, K.S.
Evaluation of the ERA* Ocean Forcing Product Under Storm Surge Conditions in the Adriatic Sea
Makarova, E., Portabella, M., and Trindade, A.

Climate Data Record Development and Analysis

The JPL SCATSAT Climate Quality Data Product
Fore, A., Stiles, B., Jaruwatanadilok, S., and Rodriguez, E.
Stiles, B., Fore, A., Hristova-Veleva, S., and Wineteer, A.
Improvements to the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) analysis
Mears, C., Lee, T., Wijffels, S. and Wentz, F.
Wright, E., and Bourassa, M.

Climate Working Group Contributions

Hristova-Veleva, S., Bourassa, M., Fore, A., Kilpatrick, T., Moroni, D., O'Neill, L., Rodriguez, E., Stiles, B., Turk, F.J., Vandemark, D., Wineteer, A., Xie, S.-P., Li, P.P., Knosp, B., Vu, Q., Callahan, P., Dunbar, R.S., Emond, M., Wright, E., Vane, R., and Jacob, J.
Zheng, Y., Bourassa, M.A., and Ali, M.M.