Ocean Vector Winds
Documents: 45
Atmospheric Processes Related to Winds
Bourassa, M.A. [04-Oct-23].
Bhowmick, S.A., Krishnan, H., Mandal, A., Jaiswal, N., Agarwal, N., Sharma, R., and Kumar, R. [04-Oct-23].
May, J.C. and Bourassa, M.A. [04-Oct-23].
Giesen, R., Stoffelen, A., Fernández, J.M., and Verhoef, A. [04-Oct-23].
Shinoda, T., Han, W., and Feng, X. [04-Oct-23].
Stopa, J.A., Vandemark, D., Foster, R., Wang, C., Ayet, A., Mouche, A., and Chapron, B. [04-Oct-23].
Foster, R., Mouche, A., and Chapron, B. [04-Oct-23].
Nuijens, L., Savazzi, A., de Boer, G., Brilouet, P.-E., George, G., Lothon, M. and Zhang, D. [04-Oct-23].
Ocean Processes Related to Winds
Dohan, K., Lenain, L., and Samelson, R. [04-Oct-23].
Dohan, K. [04-Oct-23].
Freilich, M., Lenain, L., and Gille, S. [04-Oct-23].
May, J. and Bourassa, M. [04-Oct-23].
Samelson, R. [04-Oct-23].
Planned and Suggested Missions
Brown, S., Lopez-Dekker, P., Wineteer, A., and Xiaolong, D. [04-Oct-23].
Ebuchi, N., Kachi, M., Shimada, R., Yoshizawa, E., Ohara, K., Fujii, H., Miura, T., Inaoka, K., and Kojima, Y. [04-Oct-23].
Gille, S., Lee, T., Ardhuin, F., Bourassa, M., Chang, P., Cravatte, S., Farrar, T., Fewings, M., Girard-Ardhuin, F., Jacobs, G., Jelenak, Z., Lyard, F., May, J., Rémy, E., Renault, L., Rodriguez, E., Ubelmann, C., Villas Bôas, B., and Wineteer, A. [04-Oct-23].
Walton, P., Laraway, A., and Long, D.G. [04-Oct-23].
Long, D., Bindlish, R., Piepmeier, K., De Amici, B., and Bailey, M. [04-Oct-23].
Science and Data Needs in Coastal Regions
Fewings, M., Grieco, G., Han, W., and Bourassa, M. [01-Nov-23].
Grieco, G. [01-Nov-23].
Grieco, G., Vogelzang, Y., Verhoef, A., Stoffelen, A., and Portabella, M. [01-Nov-23].
Ray, S., Swain, D., Ali, M., and Bourassa, M. [01-Nov-23].
Cervantes, B., Fewings, M., and Risien, C. [01-Nov-23].
Science and Operational Impacts and Causes of Differences between Remotely Sensed Wind Products and NWP Products
Makarova, E., and Portabella, M. [01-Nov-23].
Ioka, Y. [01-Nov-23].
Using >25 Years Wind Record for Science and Applications
Hristova-Veleva, S., Yu, L., King, G., Bourassa, M., Wentz, F., Ricciardulli, L., Stoffelen, A., and Portabella, M. [01-Nov-23].
Stiles, B., Fore, A., Wineteer, A., and Holt, B. [01-Nov-23].
Ricciardulli, L., Manaster, A., Meissner, T., and Mears, C. [01-Nov-23].
Wright, E., Bourassa, M., O’Neill, L., Wineteer, A., and Histrova-Vevela, S. [01-Nov-23].
Sensing Wind Coupling to Other Variables
Rodríguez, E., Portabella, M., Villas Bôas, B., and Subramanian, A. [15-Nov-23].
Deike, L., Wu, J., Popinet, S., Farrar, T., Chapron, B., and Rodriguez, E. [15-Nov-23].
Marechal, G., Villas Bôas, B., Lenain, L., and Pizzo, N. [15-Nov-23].
Fogg, B., and Long, D.G. [15-Nov-23].
McKinney, M., and Long, D. [15-Nov-23].
Emmitt, D., and Greco, S. [15-Nov-23].
Clayson, C.A., Subramanian, A., Lee, T., Brown, S., Bourassa, M., Seo, H., Lombardo, K., Gille, S., Farrar, T., and Parfitt, R. [15-Nov-23].
Outstanding Issues in Calibration for Routine Conditions
Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., and Lindsley, R. [15-Nov-23].
Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., and Verhoef, A. [15-Nov-23].
Verspeek, J., Stoffelen, A., and Verhoef, A. [15-Nov-23].
Porter, N., and Long, D.G. [15-Nov-23].
Giesen, R., Stoffelen, A., Fernández, J.M., and Verhoef, A. [15-Nov-23].
Towards Consensus on Extreme Winds
Chang, P., Holbach, H., Portabella, M., Ricciarduli, L., and Bourassa, M. [15-Nov-23].
Wallace, D.E., Bourassa, M.A., Holbach, H.M., and Richardson, R. [15-Nov-23].
Cossu, F., Makarova, E., Rabaneda, A.S., Portabella, M., Tenerelli, J., Reul, N., Stoffelen, A., Grieco, G., Sapp, J., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P. [15-Nov-23].
Ni, W., Stoffelen, A., Ren, K., Vogelzang, J., Zhao, Y., and Wang, W. [15-Nov-23].