Ocean Vector Winds

Meetings: 2023 IOVWST


Documents: 45

Atmospheric Processes Related to Winds

Bourassa, M.A.
Bhowmick, S.A., Krishnan, H., Mandal, A., Jaiswal, N., Agarwal, N., Sharma, R., and Kumar, R.
May, J.C. and Bourassa, M.A.
Giesen, R., Stoffelen, A., Fernández, J.M., and Verhoef, A.
Shinoda, T., Han, W., and Feng, X.
Stopa, J.A., Vandemark, D., Foster, R., Wang, C., Ayet, A., Mouche, A., and Chapron, B.
Foster, R., Mouche, A., and Chapron, B.
Nuijens, L., Savazzi, A., de Boer, G., Brilouet, P.-E., George, G., Lothon, M. and Zhang, D.

Ocean Processes Related to Winds

Dohan, K., Lenain, L., and Samelson, R.
Dohan, K.
Freilich, M., Lenain, L., and Gille, S.
May, J. and Bourassa, M.
Samelson, R.

Planned and Suggested Missions

Brown, S., Lopez-Dekker, P., Wineteer, A., and Xiaolong, D.
Ebuchi, N., Kachi, M., Shimada, R., Yoshizawa, E., Ohara, K., Fujii, H., Miura, T., Inaoka, K., and Kojima, Y.
Gille, S., Lee, T., Ardhuin, F., Bourassa, M., Chang, P., Cravatte, S., Farrar, T., Fewings, M., Girard-Ardhuin, F., Jacobs, G., Jelenak, Z., Lyard, F., May, J., Rémy, E., Renault, L., Rodriguez, E., Ubelmann, C., Villas Bôas, B., and Wineteer, A.
Walton, P., Laraway, A., and Long, D.G.
Long, D., Bindlish, R., Piepmeier, K., De Amici, B., and Bailey, M.

Science and Data Needs in Coastal Regions

Fewings, M., Grieco, G., Han, W., and Bourassa, M.
Grieco, G.
Grieco, G., Vogelzang, Y., Verhoef, A., Stoffelen, A., and Portabella, M.
Ray, S., Swain, D., Ali, M., and Bourassa, M.
Cervantes, B., Fewings, M., and Risien, C.

Science and Operational Impacts and Causes of Differences between Remotely Sensed Wind Products and NWP Products

Makarova, E., and Portabella, M.
Ioka, Y.

Using >25 Years Wind Record for Science and Applications

Hristova-Veleva, S., Yu, L., King, G., Bourassa, M., Wentz, F., Ricciardulli, L., Stoffelen, A., and Portabella, M.
Stiles, B., Fore, A., Wineteer, A., and Holt, B.
Ricciardulli, L., Manaster, A., Meissner, T., and Mears, C.
Wright, E., Bourassa, M., O’Neill, L., Wineteer, A., and Histrova-Vevela, S.

Sensing Wind Coupling to Other Variables

Rodríguez, E., Portabella, M., Villas Bôas, B., and Subramanian, A.
Deike, L., Wu, J., Popinet, S., Farrar, T., Chapron, B., and Rodriguez, E.
Marechal, G., Villas Bôas, B., Lenain, L., and Pizzo, N.
Fogg, B., and Long, D.G.
McKinney, M., and Long, D.
Emmitt, D., and Greco, S.
Clayson, C.A., Subramanian, A., Lee, T., Brown, S., Bourassa, M., Seo, H., Lombardo, K., Gille, S., Farrar, T., and Parfitt, R.

Outstanding Issues in Calibration for Routine Conditions

Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., and Lindsley, R.
Li, Z., Stoffelen, A., and Verhoef, A.
Verspeek, J., Stoffelen, A., and Verhoef, A.
Porter, N., and Long, D.G.
Giesen, R., Stoffelen, A., Fernández, J.M., and Verhoef, A.

Towards Consensus on Extreme Winds

Chang, P., Holbach, H., Portabella, M., Ricciarduli, L., and Bourassa, M.
Wallace, D.E., Bourassa, M.A., Holbach, H.M., and Richardson, R.
Cossu, F., Makarova, E., Rabaneda, A.S., Portabella, M., Tenerelli, J., Reul, N., Stoffelen, A., Grieco, G., Sapp, J., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.
Ni, W., Stoffelen, A., Ren, K., Vogelzang, J., Zhao, Y., and Wang, W.