Ocean Vector Winds

Meetings: 2008 OVWST


Documents: 61


Kelly, K., and Foster, R.
Bourassa, M., and Rodriguez, E.
Lindstrom, E.
Gaston, R.

Post-QSCAT Era

Imaoka, K., Kachi, M., Igarashi, T., Nakagawa, K., Ebuchi, N., Oki, T., and Shimoda, H.
Rodriguez, E., Gaston, R., Jelenak, Z., and Chang, P.
Yu, L.
Meissner, T., and Wentz, F.
Long, D.G., Milliff, R.F., and Rodriguez, E.

Calibration and Validation

Wentz, F.
Portabella, M., Stoffelen, A., Belmonte, M., Verhoef, A., Verspeek, J., and Vogelzang, J.
Rodriguez, E., Veleva, S., Dunbar, R.S., and Stiles, B.
Figa-Saldana, J., Anderson, C., Wilson, J., Bonekamp, H., de Smet, A. and Duff, C.
Ebuchi, N.
Frasier, S., Chu, T., McManus, J., Contreras, R., Chang, P., Jelenak, Z., Perkovic, D., and Esteban-Fernandez, D.
Bourassa, M.A.
Caruso, M.
Brown, B.
Bourassa, M.A., Vanhoff, B., and Weissman, D.E.
Vanhoff, B., and Freilich, M.
Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., and Portabella, M.
Wilson, J.J.

International Collaborations

Wilson, S., Bonekamp, H., and Gohill, B.S.
Milliff, R., Pinardi, N., Bonazzi, A., Wikle, C.K., and Brown, J.
Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., Vogelzang, J., Portabella, M., and Belmonte, M.
Bonekamp, H., Wilson, J.J., Figa-Saldana, J., and Anderson C.


Grodsky, S., Bentamy, A., Carton, J.A., and Pinker, R.
Perigaud, C., Dureau, J., Illig, S., and Cassou, C.
Gunn, J., Dohan, K., Lagerloef, G.S.E., and Bonjean, F.
Han, W., and Dun, B.
Chelton, D., Jin, X., and Haack, T.
Morey, S., Bourassa, M., and Dukhovskoy, D.
Lee, T., Wang, O., Tang, W., and Liu, W.T.
Perigaud, C., and Bentamy, A.

Qualities of Level 3 and 4 Products

Bourassa, M.
Chelton, D.
Stoffelen, A.
Rodriguez, E.


Foster, R., Patoux, J., and Brown, R.A.
Fu, R.
Patoux, J., Foster, R.C., and Brown, R.A.
Sienkiewicz, J., Von Ahn, J., Brennan, M.J., Ahmad, K.A., and Winterberger, S.G.
Song, Q., Chelton, D., and Esbensen, S.
Xie, S.-P., Tokinaga, H., Minobe, S., and Kobashi, F.
Atlas, R., Ardizzone, J., Jusem, J.C., Hoffman, R.N., Leidner, M., Majumdar, S., Chen, S., and Shen, B.-W.
Booth, J., Thompson, L., Kelly, K., Patoux, J., and Dickinson, S.
Patoux, J., Foster, R.C., and Brown, R.A.

High Winds and Rain

Liu, W.T., and Tang, W.
Stiles, B.W., Hristova-Veleva, S., Dunbar, R.S., Chan, S., Durden, S.L., Esteban-Fernandez, D., Rodriguez, E., Poulsen, W.L., Gaston, R.W., and Callahan, P.S.
Weissman, D., and Bourassa, M.A.
Yueh, S., and Chaubell, J.

Other Scientific Operations

Brennan, M., Knabb, R.D., Chang, P.S.
Hersbach, H., and Janssen, P.E.A.M.
Figa-Saldana, J., Bonekamp, H., Ponsard, C., Anderson, C., Wilson, J., de Smet, A., Duff, C. and Butenko, L.
Takahashi, M., and Tahara, Y.
Liu, W.T., Xie, X., and Katsaros, K.

New Products

Jelenak, Z., Chang, P., Soisuvarn, S., Zhu, Q., Augenbaum, J., Legg, G., Frasier, S., and Chu, T.
Long, D.
Jones, L., Laupattarakasem, P., and Hennon, C.C.


Hughes, P.J., and Bourassa, M.A.
Ricciardulli, L., Smith, D.K., Gentemann, C., and Wentz, F.J.