Lee,T., O. Wang, W. Tang, and W. T. Liu (in press). Wind stress measurements from the QuikSCAT-SeaWinds scatterometer tandem mission and the impact on an ocean model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C12019, 10.1029/2008JCX004855.
This database catalogues publications of the Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (OVWST) and those that employ our products. Click the read more buttons for full citation and abstract. Please acknowledge the OVWST when utilizing our products.
Lee,T., O. Wang, W. Tang, and W. T. Liu (in press). Wind stress measurements from the QuikSCAT-SeaWinds scatterometer tandem mission and the impact on an ocean model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C12019, 10.1029/2008JCX004855.
Manning, C. C., R. Stanley, D. Nicholson, J. Smith, J. T. Pennington, M. Fewings, M. Squibb, and F. Chavez (in press). Impact of recently upwelled water on productivity investigated using in situ and incubation-based methods in Monterey Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 1901-1926, 10.1002/2016JC012306.
Yurovsky, Y. Y. ; V. N. Kudryavtsev; S. A. Grodsky; B. Chapron (in press). Ka-Band Dual Copolarized Empirical Model for the Sea Surface Radar Cross Section, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, PP(99), 1-19.
Ricciardulli, L., Manaster, A., and Lindsey, R. (2025). Investigation of a Calibration Change in the Ocean Surface Wind Measurements from the TAO Buoy Array, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 10.1175/BAMS-D-24-0072.1.
Kamp, W., Han, W., Zhang, L., Kido, S., and McCreary, J. (2024). Tropical Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillations Leading to Sea Level Extremes in Coastal Indonesia during Recent Decades, Journal of Climate, 37(9), 2867–2880, 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0374.1.
May, J. and Bourassa, M.A. (2024). Upper Ocean Thermodynamic Response to Coupling Currents to Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(11), 1994, 10.3390/jmse12111994.
Samelson, R.M., Durski, S.M., Chelton, D.B., Skyllingstad, E.D., and Barbour, P.L. (2024). Surface Currents and Relative-Wind Stress in Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Simulations of the Northern California Current System, Monthly Weather Review, 152(9), 2033–2054 , 10.1175/MWR-D-23-0279.1.
Blair, D., Zheng, Y., and Bourassa, M.A. (2023). The Effect of Surface Oil on Ocean Wind Stress, Earth, 4(2), 345-364, 10.3390/earth4020019.
Hauser, D., Abdalla, S., Ardhuin, F., Bidlot, J.-R., Bourassa, M., Cotton, D., Gommenginger, C., Evers-King, H., Johnsen, H., Knaff, J., Lavender, S., Mouche, A., Reul, N., Sampson, C., Steele, E.C.C., and Stoffelen, A. (2023). Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Winds, Waves, and Currents: Where are we Now?, Surveys in Geophysics, 44(5), 1357-1446, 10.1007/s10712-023-09771-2.
May, J.C. and Bourassa, M.A. (2023). Atmospheric Dynamic Response to Coupling Currents to Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream, Atmosphere, 14(8), 1216, 10.3390/atmos14081216.
Seo, H., O'Neill, L.W., Bourassa, M.A., Czaja, A., Drushka, K., Edson, J.B., Fox-Kemper, B., Frenger, I., Gille, S.T., Kirtman, B.P., Minobe, S., Pendergrass, A.G., Renault, L., Roberts, M.J., Schneider, N., Small, R.J., Stoffelen, A., and Wang, Q. (2023). Ocean Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Influence on Large-Scale Climate: A Review, Journal of Climate, 36(7), 1981–2013 , 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0982.1.
Wang, X., Lee, T., and Mears, C. (2023). Evaluation of Blended Wind Products and Their Implications for Offshore Wind Power Estimation, Remote Sensing, 15(10), 2620, 10.3390/rs15102620.
Fore, A.G., Stiles, B.W., Strub, P.T., and West, R.D. (2022). QuikSCAT Climatological Data Record: Land Contamination Flagging and Correction, Remote Sensing, 14(10), 2487, 10.3390/rs14102487.
Giglio, D., Gille, S.T., Cornuelle, B.D., Subramanian, A.C., Turk, F.J., Hristova-Veleva, S., and Northcott, D. (2022). Annual Modulation of Diurnal Winds in the Tropical Oceans, Remote Sensing, 14(3), 459, 10.3390/rs14030459.
Miao, Y., Dong, X., Bourassa, M.A., and Zhu, D. (2022). Effects of Ocean Wave Directional Spectra on Doppler Retrievals of Ocean Surface Current, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-12, 10.1109/Tgrs.2021.3126327.
Polverari, F., Wineteer, A., Rodríguez, E., Perkovic-Martin, D., Siqueira, P., Farrar, J.T., Adam, M., Closa Tarrés, M., and Edson, J.B. (2022). A Ka-Band Wind Geophysical Model Function Using Doppler Scatterometer Measurements from the Air-Sea Interaction Tower Experiment, Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2067, 10.3390/rs14092067.
Ricciardulli, L., Foltz, G.R., Manaster, A., and Meissner, T. (2022). Assessment of Saildrone Extreme Wind Measurements in Hurricane Sam Using MW Satellite Sensors, Remote Sensing, 14(12), 2726, 10.3390/rs14122726.
Ahern, K., Hart, R.E., and Bourassa, M.A. (2021). Asymmetric Hurricane Boundary Layer Structure during Storm Decay. Part I: Formation of Descending Inflow, Monthly Weather Review, 149(11), 3851-3874, 10.1175/Mwr-D-21-0030.1.
Bentamy, A., Grodsky, S. A., Cambon, G., Tandeo, P., Capet, X., Roy, C., and Grouazel, A. (2021). Twenty-Seven Years of Scatterometer Surface Wind Analysis over Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, Remote Sensing, 12(1), 10.3390/rs13050940.
Capotondi, A. and Ricciardulli, L. (2021). The Influence of Pacific Winds on ENSO Diversity, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 18672, 10.1038/s41598-021-97963-4.
Colosi, L.V., Villas Bôas, A.B., and Gille, S.T. (2021). The Seasonal Cycle of Significant Wave Height in the Ocean: Local Versus Remote Forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(8), e2021JC017198, 10.1029/2021JC017198.
Dunn, R.J.H., Aldred, F., Gobron, N., Miller, J.B., Willett, K.M., Ades, M., Adler, R., Allan, R.P., Allan, R., Anderson, J., Argüez, A., Arosio, C., Augustine, J.A., Azorin-Molina, C., Barichivich, J., Beck, H.E., Becker, A., Bellouin, N., Benedetti, A., Berry, D.I., Blenkinsop, S., Bock, O., Bodin, X., Bosilovich, M.G., Boucher, O., Buehler, S.A., Calmettes, B., Carrea, L., Castia, L., Christiansen, H.H., Christy, J.R., Chung, E.-S., Coldewey-Egbers, M., Cooper, O.R., Cornes, R.C., Covey, C., Cretaux, J.-F., Crotwell, M., Davis, S.M., de Jeu, R.A.M., Degenstein, D., Delaloye, R., Di Girolamo, L., Donat, M.G., Dorigo, W.A., Durre, I., Dutton, G.S., Duveiller, G., Elkins, J.W., Fioletov, V.E., Flemming, J., Foster, M.J., Frith, S.M., Froidevaux, L., Garforth, J., Gentry, M., Gupta, S.K., Hahn, S., Haimberger, L., Hall, B.D., Harris, I., Hemming, D.L., Hirschi, M., Ho, S.-pen(B.), Hrbacek, F., Hubert, D., Hurst, D.F., Inness, A., Isaksen, K., John, V.O., Jones, P.D., Junod, R., Kaiser, J.W., Kaufmann, V., Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Kent, E.C., Kidd, R., Kim, H., Kipling, Z., Koppa, A., Kraemer, B.M., Kratz, D.P., Lan, X., Lantz, K.O., Lavers, D., Loeb, N.G., Loyola, D., Madelon, R., Mayer, M., McCabe, M.F., McVicar, T.R., Mears, C.A., Merchant, C.J., Miralles, D.G., Moesinger, L., Montzka, S.A., Morice, C., Mösinger, L., Mühle, J., Nicolas, J.P., Noetzli, J., Noll, B., O'Keefe, J., Osborn, T.J., Park, T., Pasik, A.J., Pellet, C., Pelto, M.S., Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S.E., Petron, G., Phillips, C., Po-Chedley, S., Polvani, L., Preimesberger, W., Rains, D.G., Randel, W.J., Rayner, N.A., Rémy, S., Ricciardulli, L., Richardson, A.D., Robinson, D.A., Rodell, M., Rodríguez-Fernández, N.J., Rosenlof, K.H., Roth, C., Rozanov, A., Rutishäuser, T., Sánchez-Lugo, A., Sawaengphokhai, P., Scanlon, T., Schenzinger, V., Schlegel, R.W., Sharma, S., Shi, L., Simmons, A.J., Siso, C., Smith, S.L., Soden, B.J., Sofieva, V., Sparks, T.H., Stackhouse, P.W., Steinbrecht, W., Stengel, M., Streletskiy, D.A., Sun-Mack, S., Tans, P., Thackeray, S.J., Thibert, E., Tokuda, D., Tourpali, K., Tye, M.R., van der A, R., van der Schalie, R., van der Schrier, G., van der Vliet, M., van der Werf, G.R., Vance, A., Vernier, J.-P., Vimont, I.J., Vömel, H., Vose, R.S., Wang, R., Weber, M., Wiese, D., Wilber, A.C., Wild, J.D., Wong, T., Woolway, R.I., Zhou, X., Yin, X., Zhao, G., Zhao, L., Ziemke, J.R., Ziese, M., and Zotta, R.M. (2021). Global Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(8), S11-S142, 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0098.1.
Hristova-Veleva, S., Haddad, Z., Chau, A., Stiles, B.W., Turk, F.J., Li, P.P., Knosp, B., Vu, Q., Shen, T.-P., Lambrigtsen, B., Seo, E.-K., and Su, H. (2021). Impact of Microphysical Parameterizations on Simulated Hurricanes: Using Multiparameter Satellite Data to Determine the Particle Size Distributions that Produce Most Realistic Storms, Atmosphere, 12(2), 154, 10.3390/atmos12020154.
Knaff, J.A., Sampson, C.R., Kucas, M.E., Slocum, C.J., Brennan, M.J., Meissner, T., Ricciardulli, L., Mouche, A., Reul, N., Morris, M., Chirokova, G., and Caroff, P. (2021). Estimating Tropical Cyclone Surface Winds: Current Status, Emerging Technologies, Historical Evolution, and a Look to the Future, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 10(3), 125-150, 10.1016/j.tcrr.2021.09.002.
Manaster, A., Ricciardulli, L., and Meissner, T. (2021). Tropical Cyclone Winds from WindSat, AMSR2, and SMAP: Comparison with the HWRF Model, Remote Sensing, 13(12), 2347, 10.3390/rs13122347.
Meissner, T., Ricciardulli, L., and Manaster, A. (2021). Tropical Cyclone Wind Speeds from WindSat, AMSR and SMAP: Algorithm Development and Testing, Remote Sensing, 13(9), 1641, 10.3390/rs13091641.
Polverari F., Portabella M., Lin W., Sapp J. W., Stoffelen A., Jelenak Z. and Chang P.S. (2021). On High and Extreme Wind Calibration Using ASCAT, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3079898.
Polverari, F., Wineteer, A., Rodriguez, E., Perkovic-Martin, D., Siqueira, P., Farrar, J.T., Adam, J.M., and Edson, J. (2021). Towards a Characterization of the Ka-band Ocean Surface Backscattering Mechanisms, Proc. of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554576.
Ricciardulli, L. and Manaster, A. (2021). Intercalibration of ASCAT Scatterometer Winds from MetOp-A, -B, and -C, for a Stable Climate Data Record, Remote Sensing, 13, 3678, 10.3390/rs13183678.
Ricciardulli, L., Mears, C., Manaster, A., and Meissner, T. (2021). Assessment of CYGNSS Wind Speed Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones, Remote Sensing, 13(24), 5110, 10.3390/rs13245110.
Turk, F.J., Hristova-Veleva, S. and Giglio, D. (2021). Examination of the Daily Cycle Wind Vector Modes of Variability from the Constellation of Microwave Scatterometers and Radiometers, Remote Sensing, 13, 141, 10.3390/rs13010141.
Wright, E.E., Bourassa, M.A., Stoffelen, A., and Bidlot, J.-R. (2021). Characterizing Buoy Wind Speed Error in High Winds and Varying Sea State with ASCAT and ERA5, Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4558, 10.3390/rs13224558.
Yu, L. (2021). Emerging Pattern of Wind Change over the Eurasian Marginal Seas Revealed by Three Decades of Satellite Ocean-Surface Wind Observations, Remote Sensing, 13(9), 10.3390/rs13091707.
Beal, L.M., Vialard, J., Roxy, M.K., Li, J., Andres, M., Annamalai, H., Feng, M., Han, W., Hood, R., Lee, T., Lengaigne, M., Lumpkin, R., Masumoto, Y., McPhaden, M.J., Ravichandran, M., Shinoda, T., Sloyan, B.M., Strutton, P.G., Subramanian, A.C., Tozuka, T., Ummenhofer, C.C., Unnikrishnan, A.S., Wiggert, J., Yu, L., Cheng, L., Desbruyères, D.G., Parvathi, and V. (2020). A Road Map to IndOOS-2: Better Observations of the Rapidly Warming Indian Ocean, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(11), E1891–E1913, 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0209.1.
Dunn, R.J.H., Stanitski, D.M., Gobron, N., Willett, K.M., Ades, M., Adler, R., Allan, R., Allan, R.P., Anderson, J., Argüez, A., Arosio, C., Augustine, J.A., Azorin-Molina, C., Barichivich, J., Barnes, J., Beck, H.E., Becker, A., Bellouin, N., Benedetti, A., Berry, D.I., Blenkinsop, S., Bock, O., Bosilovich, M.G., Boucher, O., Buehler, S.A., Carrea, L., Christiansen, H.H., Chouza, F., Christy, J.R., Chung, E.-S., Coldewey-Egbers, M., Compo, G.P., Cooper, O.R., Covey, C., Crotwell, A., Davis, S.M., de Eyto, E., de Jeu, R.A.M., VanderSat, B.V., DeGasperi, C.L., Degenstein, D., Di Girolamo, L., Dokulil, M.T., Donat, M.G., Dorigo, W.A., Durre, I., Dutton, G.S., Duveiller, G., Elkins, J.W., Fioletov, V.E., Flemming, J., Foster, M.J., Frey, R.A., Frith, S.M., Froidevaux, L., Garforth, J., Gupta, S.K., Haimberger, L., Hall, B.D., Harris, I., Heidinger, A.K., Hemming, D.L., Ho, S.-peng(B.), Hubert, D., Hurst, D.F., Hüser, I., Inness, A., Isaksen, K., John, V., Jones, P.D., Kaiser, J.W., Kelly, S., Khaykin, S., Kidd, R., Kim, H., Kipling, Z., Kraemer, B.M., Kratz, D.P., La Fuente, R.S., Lan, X., Lantz, K.O., Leblanc, T., Li, B., Loeb, N.G., Long, C.S., Loyola, D., Marszelewski, W., Martens, B., May, L., Mayer, M., McCabe, M.F., McVicar, T.R., Mears, C.A., Menzel, W.P., Merchant, C.J., Miller, B.R., Miralles, D.G., Montzka, S.A., Morice, C., Muhle, J., Myneni, R., Nicolas, J.P., Noetzli, J., Osborn, T.J., Park, T., Pasik, A., Paterson, A.M., Pelto, M.S., Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S., Pétron, G., Phillips, C., Pinty, B., Po-Chedley, S., Polvani, L., Preimesberger, W., Pulkkanen, M., Randel, W.J., Rémy, S., Ricciardulli, L., Richardson, A.D., Rieger, L., Robinson, D.A., Rodell, M., Rosenlof, K.H., Roth, C., Rozanov, A., Rusak, J.A., Rusanovskaya, O., Rutishäuser, T., Sánchez-Lugo, A., Sawaengphokhai, P., Scanlon, T., Schenzinger, V., Schladow, S.G., Schlegel, R.W., Schmid, M., Selkirk, H.B., Sharma, S., Shi, L., Shimaraeva, S.V., Silow, E.A., Simmons, A.J., Smith, C.A., Smith, S.L., Soden, B.J., Sofieva, V., Sparks, T.H., Stackhouse, P.W., Steinbrecht, W., Streletskiy, D.A., Taha, G., Telg, H., Thackeray, S.J., Timofeyev, M.A., Tourpali, K., Tye, M.R., van der A, R.J., van der Schalie, R., van der Schrier, G., van der Werf, G.R., Verburg, P., Vernier, J.-P., Vömel, H., Vose, R.S., Wang, R., Watanabe, S.G., Weber, M., Weyhenmeyer, G.A., Wiese, D., Wilber, A.C., Wild, J.D., Wong, T., Woolway, R.I., Yin, X., Zhao, L., Zhao, G., Zhou, X., Ziemke, J.R., and Ziese, M. (2020). Global Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(8), S9-S128, 10.1175/Bams-D-20-0104.1.
Hristova-Veleva, S.M., Li, P.P., Knosp, B., Vu, Q., Turk, F.J., Poulsen, W.L., Haddad, Z.,Lambrigtsen, B., Stiles, B.W., Shen, T.-P., Niamsuwan, N., Tanelli, S., Sy, O., Seo, E.-K., Su, H., Vane, D.G., Chao, Y., Callahan, P.S., Dunbar, R.S., Montgomery, M., Boothe, M., Tallapragada, V., Trahan, S., Wimmers, A.J., Holz, R., Reid, J.S., Marks, F., Vukicevic, T., Bhalachandran, S., Leighton, H., Gopalakrishnan, S., Navarro, A., and Tapiador, F.J. (2020). An Eye on the Storm: Integrating a Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(10), E1718–E1742, 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0020.1.
Robertson, F.R., Roberts, J.B., Bosilovich, M.G., Bentamy, A., Clayson, C.A., Fennig, K., Schröder, M., Tomita, H., Compo, G.P., Gutenstein, M., Hersbach, H., Kobayashi, C., Ricciardulli, L., Sardeshmukh, P., and Slivinski, L.C. (2020). Uncertainties in Ocean Latent Heat Flux Variations over Recent Decades in Satellite-Based Estimates and Reduced Observation Reanalyses, Journal Of Climate, 33(19), 8415-8437, 10.1175/Jcli-D-19-0954.1.
Samelson, R. M., L. W. O'Neill, D. B. Chelton, E. D. Skyllingstad, P. L. Barbour, and S. M. Durski, (2020). Surface Stress and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Response to Mesoscale SST Structure in Coupled Simulations of the Northern California Current System, American Meteorological Society, 10.1175/MWR-D-19-0200.1.
Steffen, J. and Bourassa, M. (2020). Upper-Ocean Response to Precipitation Forcing in an Ocean Model Hindcast of Hurricane Gonzalo, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(11), 3219-3234, 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0277.1.
Stow, J.P., Bourassa, M.A., and Holbach, H.M. (2020). Analyzing Gaps in Hurricane Rain Coverage to Inform Future Satellite Proposals, Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2673, 10.3390/rs12172673.
Zheng, Y., Bourassa, M.A., and Ali, M.M. (2020). Statistical Evidence on Distinct Impacts of Short- and Long-Time Fluctuations of Indian Ocean Surface Wwind Fields on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall During 1991-2014, Climate Dynamics, 54(5-6), 3053-3076, 10.1007/s00382-020-05156-y.
Ahern, K., Bourassa, M.A., Hart, R.E., Zhang, J.A., and Rogers, R.F. (2019). Observed Kinematic and Thermodynamic Structure in the Hurricane Boundary Layer During Intensity Change, Monthly Weather Review, 147(8), 2765-2785, 10.1175/Mwr-D-18-0380.1.
Ardhuin, F., Chapron, B., Maes, C., Romeiser, R., Gommenginger, C., Cravatte, S., Morrow, R., Donlon, C., and Bourassa, M. (2019). Satellite Doppler Observations for the Motions of the Oceans, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(8), Es215-Es219, 10.1175/Bams-D-19-0039.1.
Armstrong, E.M., Bourassa, M.A., Cram, T.A., DeBellis, M., Elya, J., Greguska, F.R., Huang, T., Jacob, J.C., Ji, Z., Jiang, Y., Li, Y., Quach, N., McGibbney, L., Smith, S., Tsontos, V.M., Wilson, B., Worley, S.J., Yang, C., and Yam, E. (2019). An Integrated Data Analytics Platform, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00354.
Chelton, D.B., Schlax, M.G., Samelson, R.M., Farrar, J.T., Molemaker, M.J., McWilliams, J.C., and Gula, J. (2019). Prospects for Future Satellite Estimation of Small-Scale Variability of Ocean Surface Velocity and Vorticity, Progress in Oceanography, 173, 256-350, 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.10.012.
Hell, M.C., Cornuelle, B.D., Gille, S.T., Miller, A.J., and Bromirski, P.D. (2019). Identifying Ocean Swell Generation Events from Ross Ice Shelf Seismic Data, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36, 2171–2189, 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0093.1.
Hutchings, N. and Long, D.G. (2019). Improved Ultrahigh-Resolution Wind Retrieval for RapidScat, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(6), 3370-3379, 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2884128.
Long, D.G. (2019). Scatterometer Backscatter Imaging Using Backus-Gilbert Inversion, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(6), 3179-3190, 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2882136.
Long, D.G., Brodzik, M.J., and Hardman, M.A. (2019). Enhanced-Resolution SMAP Brightness Temperature Image Products, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(7), 4151-4163, 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2889427.
Manaster, A., Ricciardulli, L., and Meissner, T. (2019). Validation of High Ocean Surface Winds from Satellites Using Oil Platform Anemometers, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36(5), 803-818, 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0116.1.
Mears, C.A., Scott, J., Wentz, F.J., Ricciardulli, L., Leidner, S.M., Hoffman, R., and Atlas, R. (2019). A Near-Real-Time Version of the Cross-Calibrated Multiplatform (CCMP) Ocean Surface Wind Velocity Data Set, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(10), 6997-7010, 10.1029/2019JC015367.
Menezes, V.V., Farrar, J.T., and Bower, A.S. (2019). Evaporative Implications of Dry-Air Outbreaks Over the Northern Red Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(9), 4829-4861, 10.1029/2018JD028853.
Rodríguez, E., Bourassa, M., Chelton, D., Farrar, J.T., Long, D., Perkovic-Martin, D., and Samelson, R. (2019). The Winds and Currents Mission Concept, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00438.
Shi, Q. and Bourassa, M.A. (2019). Coupling Ocean Currents and Waves with Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream, Remote Sensing, 11(12), 1476, 10.3390/rs11121476.
Strub, P.T., James, C., Montecino, V., Rutllant, J.A., and Blanco, J.L. (2019). Ocean Circulation Along the Southern Chile Transition Region (38°-46°S): Mean, Seasonal and Interannual Variability, with a Focus on 2014-2016, Progress in Oceanography, 172, 159-198, 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.01.004.
Villas Bôas, A.B., Ardhuin, F., Ayet, A., Bourassa, M.A., Brandt, P., Chapron, B., Cornuelle, B.D., Farrar, J.T., Fewings, M.R., Fox-Kemper, B., Gille, S.T., Gommenginger, C., Heimbach, P., Hell, M.C., Li, Q., Mazloff, M.R., Merrifield, S.T., Mouche, A., Rio, M.H., Rodriguez, E., Shutler, J.D., Subramanian, A.C., Terrill, E.J., Tsamados, M., Ubelmann, C., and van Sebille, E. (2019). Integrated Observations of Global Surface Winds, Currents, and Waves: Requirements and Challenges for the Next Decade, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00425.
Walton, P. and Long, D. (2019). Space of Solutions to Ocean Surface Wind Measurement Using Scatterometer Constellations, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13(03), 1, 10.1117/1.JRS.13.032506.
Budge, J.S. and Long, D.G. (2018). A Comprehensive Database for Antarctic Iceberg Tracking Using Scatterometer Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations, 11(2), 434-442, 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2784186.
Capotondi, A., Sardeshmukh, P.D., and Ricciardulli, L. (2018). The Nature of the Stochastic Wind Forcing of ENSO, Journal of Climate, 31(19), 8081-8099, 10.1175/Jcli-D-17-0842.1.
Delman, A.S., Lee, T., and Qiu, B. (2018). Interannual to Multidecadal Forcing of Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Subtropical Southern Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11), 8180-8202, 10.1029/2018JC013945.
Fu, L.-L., Lee, T., Liu, W.T., and Kwok, R. (2018). 50 Years of Satellite Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Meteorological Monographs, 59, 5.1-5.46, 10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-18-0010.1.
Holbach, H.M., Uhlhorn, E.W., and Bourassa, M.A. (2018). Off-Nadir SFMR Brightness Temperature Measurements in High-Wind Conditions, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(9), 1865-1879, 10.1175/Jtech-D-18-0005.1.
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