Ocean Vector Winds

Meetings: 2006 OVWST


Documents: 31


Bonjean, F., Lagerloef, G., Gunn, J., and Bourassa, M.
Carton, J., Grodsky, S., Zhang, D.
Caruso, M., and Beardsley, R.
Chelton, D.B., and Esbensen, S.K.
Chen, S.S., Majumdar, S., Zhao, W., Foster, R., Liu, W.T., Atlas, B., and Haffman, R.
Contreras, R.F., Frasier, S.J., and Chu, T.
Dunbar, R.S.
Dunbar, R.S.
Foster, R., Patoux, J., and Brown, R.A.
Freilich, M.H., Chelton, D.B., Long, D.G., Dorman, C., and Vanhoff, B.
Fu, R., Wang, H., Young, M., and Zhou, L.
Gaston, R.
Han, W.
Jones, L., and Hennon, C.
Kelly, K.K., and Thompson, L.
Lee, T.
Liu, W.T., Xie, X., and Tang, W.
Liu, W.T., Xie, X., and Tang, W.
Long, D.G.
Milliff, R.F., and Morzel, J.

Perigaud, C., and Illig, S.
Stiles, B., Veleva, S., and Dunbar, R.S.


Weissman, D.E., and Hristova-Veleva, S.
Wentz, F.J., Hilburn, K., Smith, D., and Ricciardulli, L.
Xie, S.-P., and Small, J.
Yu, L.
Yueh, S.H.
OSI SAF ASCAT level 2 products
Portabella, M.