Ocean Vector Winds

News Detail

2023 International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting

 2023 International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting


Meeting Registration.
The 2023 International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting will be held at Online on Wednesday Oct. 4, Nov. 1, and Nov. 15. Talks on the following are solicited:

  1. Atmospheric Processes (Oct. 4th)
  2. Ocean Processes (Oct. 4th)
  3. Planned and Suggested Missions (Oct. 4th)
  4. Science and Data Needs in Coastal Regions (Nov. 1st)
  5. Using >25 Years Wind Record for Science (Nov. 1st)
  6. Science and Operational Impacts and Causes of Differences between Remotely Sensed Wind Products and NWP Products (Nov. 1st)
  7. Sensing Wind Coupling to Other Variables (Nov. 15th)
  8. Outstanding Issues in Calibration for Routine Conditions (Nov. 15th)
  9. Towards Consensus on Extreme Winds (Nov. 15th)

Suggestions for contributions on ocean vector wind science topics in other areas are welcome as well.

For reference, contributions to past meetings are accessible at the Past Meetings page.


Abstract deadline: Sept. 13, Oct. 11, and Oct. 25 (three weeks before each meeting)

Registration deadline: September 29th, 2023. Click here to register.