The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) data products from the CYGNSS science team including level 3 merged (MRG) V3.2.1 dataset, level 3 MRG Near Real Time (NRT) V3.2.1 dataset, and daily watermask v3.2 dataset from UC Berkeley. The datasets are provided in netCDF-4 format and extend from 1 August 2018 to the present, and additional descriptions of the data products are documented below:
1. CYGNSS Level 3 MRG Science Data Record Version 3.2.1
This dataset combines the L2 Fully Developed Seas (FDS) and Young Seas Limited Fetch (YSLF) winds and eliminates the need to choose between them depending on sea state development and the proximity to storms. The data are provided in netCDF-4 format and extend from 1 August 2018 to the present with an approximate 6 day latency. A tapered weighted averaging scheme is used centered on the 25 m/s wind radius of the storm. The 34 knot wind radius (R34) algorithm has been updated for v3.2.1 release to center around the National Hurricane Center (NHC) or the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) instead of the CYGNSS Vmax location. The algorithm produces global (+/- 40 deg latitude) wind speeds reported on a 0.1x0.1 deg grid every 6 hours for each tropical cyclone, although some 6-hourly increments may be missing if there are an insufficient number of satellite overpasses of the storm during that time interval.
2. CYGNSS Level 3 MRG Science Data Record Near Real Time Version 3.2.1
This dataset combines the L2 FDS and YSLF winds and eliminates the need to choose between them depending on sea state development and the proximity to storms. The data are provided in netCDF-4 format and starts from the June 1, 2024 through the present with an approximate latency between 2 and 24 hours. A tapered weighted averaging scheme is used centered on the 25 m/s wind radius of the storm. The 34 knot wind radius (R34) algorithm has been updated for v3.2.1 release to center around the NHC/JTWC reported storm center instead of the CYGNSS Vmax location The algorithm produces global (+/- 40 deg latitude) wind speeds reported on a 0.1x0.1 deg grid every 6 hours for each tropical cyclone, although some 6-hourly increments may be missing if there are an insufficient number of satellite overpasses of the storm during that time interval. The netCDF files are output on a storm-by-storm basis.
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